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Message from Bhumesthan

December 2, 2015

Narayan was in Bhumesthan to assess the situation on site.

The rice harvest has been collected and stored. This means that the population now has time to devote all their time to building the houses. But the building materials are missing because they cannot be transported due to the blockade.

The construction committee came together and examined what it would mean to procure the materials now despite the blockade.
With the slightly more expensive materials and the diesel for transport from the black market, an additional $5,000 would be needed. All materials must be procured at once, otherwise the transport costs would be double, which would mean an enormous surcharge.

We have now decided to transfer almost all of the remaining donation money, which unfortunately is only around 4500 chf.
But it's better now so that things can move forward in Bhumesthan. Because it is uncertain when the situation will return to normal. The places where the houses go are mostly cleared. The building committee discusses the situation
View from Bhumesthan