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future plans

July 31, 2016

After we had arranged the financing for the roofs, we asked ourselves what we wanted in the future. So we thought about how we could invest the money wisely.

It would be tempting to build another village, but we are also realistic and know that it only worked out so well thanks to the close connection to Bhumesthan. We have also taken this village very close to our hearts and all its residents. So we came up with two ideas that we think make sense.

Medical help

The residents of Bhumesthan are very poor.
Since the nearest hospital is around a seven-hour walk away, these people rarely go to a doctor. Our goal is to support the population until the government provides better medical care. We have already been able to help a boy and pay for an important operation on his eye.

School fees girls

Although Nepal is changing, the original traditions are still firmly anchored in rural areas. In the village, it is still common practice for poor families to marry off girls at the age of 16 after they have completed primary school. We want to counteract this.

View from Bhumesthan